International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO Oriented NEutron Source
General Info

Consorcio IFMIF-DONES España

Gran Vía de Colón 48, 18010, Granada, España

legal status



virtual, physical

The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – Demo Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a single-sited Research Infrastructure for testing, validation and qualification of the materials to be used in future fusion power plants like DEMO (a demonstration fusion reactor prototype). It is based on a unique neutron source with an energy spectrum centred on 14 MeV, typical of fusion reactions. IFMIF-DONES will be a major step towards IFMIF as it will develop a unique high-current high-duty cycle accelerator technology, liquid metal target technology and advanced control systems. Being the central element of the DONES Programme, IFMIF-DONES therefore aims to test and qualify the materials needed for the construction of fusion reactors, and to establish an extensive database on fusion materials. Besides, the facility will also offer unique experimental opportunities in other scientific and technology areas including nuclear physics, astrophysics, medical and industrial applications. For this reason, the DONES user community, encompassing scientists and engineers representing both fusion and non-fusion experiments was created as an international scientific community involved in the design, preparation and execution of scientific activities at the DONES facility, as well as the exploitation of the results obtained in all relevant areas of science and industrial applications. The mission of IFMIF-DONES is to provide a neutron source producing high energy neutrons at sufficient intensity and irradiation volume in order to: Generate materials irradiation test data for design, licensing, construction and safe operation of DEMO, under simulated fusion environment relevant to anticipated needs in radiation resistance for the structural materials in early DEMO; Generate a data base for benchmarking of radiation responses of materials hand in hand with computational material science; Develop a complementary experiments’ work Programme relevant for other scientific and technological areas. Additionally, given the fact that IFMIF-DONES will be available during ITER operation, the possibility that IFMIF-DONES could assist ITER in some aspects of its nuclear operation phase should not be disregarded. Furthermore, it has been identified that IFMIF-DONES may be relevant for other fusion-related technologies (e.g. tritium, breeding blanckets technologies,...). The mission of IFMIF-DONES is translated into the following technical objectives: Neutron spectrum: it should simulate the first wall neutron spectrum of early DEMO as closely as possible to provide the same nuclear response which affects the material behaviour under irradiation in terms of primary recoil spectrum (PKA), important transmutation reactions, and gas production (He, H). This implies the use of a D-Li stripping source. Neutron fluence accumulation in the high flux region: Fluences of 20 NRT dpa in <2.5 years applicable to a 0.3 litre volume and Fluences of 50 NRT dpa in <3 years applicable to a 0.1 litre volume. Temperature range: the high flux region needs to be equipped with temperature controlled test modules that can cover the temperature ranges from at least 250 to 550 °C. Dpa and temperature gradients in high flux region: Over a gauge volume corresponding to standardized miniaturized specimens: dpa gradient <15% and temperature gradient within ±3% with long time stability in the same order. Simultaneous irradiation of several irradiation modules must be feasible.
Total Investment 1056 M€ Design 280 M€ Preparation 6 M€ Implementation 770 M€ Operation 63 M€/year Project 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 RM06 RM08 RM10 RM16 RM18 RM21 LA24
Roadmap Entry
as project: 2018
Total investment
1056 M€
Design Phase
280 M€
Preparation Phase
6 M€
Implementation Phase
770 M€
Operation start
63 M€/year
EURATOM, together with several European Member States, has been supporting the preparation of IFMIF-DONES; first, in collaboration with Japan through the IFMIF-EVEDA project initiated in 2007 under the Broader Approach Agreement and implemented by the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E) and, second, since 2015, through the EUROfusion Consortium that developed the advanced engineering design of IFMIF-DONES. Since 2018, the preparation of IFMIF-DONES is carried also out under the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) framework. In 2016, F4E issued a call for proposals to identify possible candidates to host and build the IFMIF-DONES facility in Europe. The Region of Granada in Spain was put forward by a joint Spanish-Croatian proposal to host this facility. After a technical evaluation, this proposal was welcomed by the F4E Governing Board on 1 December 2017 while on 12 April 2018, the Council of Ministers of the EU took note with satisfaction of this proposal and emphasized the need to maintain the successful cooperation with Japan within the Broader Approach and its follow-up. In 2021, in the framework of the F4E Governing Board, EURATOM established a Working Group with Spain, Croatia and other interested countries and with the support of F4E to define a scenario to implement the DONES Programme, its governance, possible sharing and international collaborations. Based on the conclusions of this working group, Spain and Croatia proposed to establish the DONES Steering Committee (the highest decision-making body of the DONES Programme that counts with the participation of the interested parties). On 16 March 2023 was established the DONES Steering Committee with the holding of its 1st meeting in Granada (Spain), and agreed, among others, the start of the construction phase of IFMIF-DONES in Escúzar (Granada). The following meetings have been held on 26 October 2023 also in Granada (Spain) and on 14 March 2024 in Zagreb (Croatia) resulting in the approval of the new structure and reorganisation of the teams as a Joint Team.
IFMIF-DONES will consist of an accelerator-based D-Li neutron source to produce high energy neutrons with a flux density between 1014 and 1015 n/(cm2·s) in the high-flux irradiation region. Therefore, IFMIF-DONES will offer a unique combination of experimental capabilities based on fast neutron a deuteron beam with unparalleled example worldwide. At least three different experimental programmes have been defined according to the different areas (High Flux, rest of the Test Cell, other experimental areas). The Test Cell (TC) is the core irradiation facility where such irradiation fields are produced, the high-flux irradiation region reaching a volume about 0.3 l. Downstream to this region, the TC provides more than 7 m3 with a neutron flux higher than 1012 n/(cm2·s). The TC is, therefore, the main facility offered by IFMIF-DONES to the community, both for fusion (e.g. creep-fatigue, tritium release technologies, …) and non-fusion-related (e.g. radioisotopes production, …) applications. The neutron streaming downstream to the TC, will be devoted to a wide range of experiments in fields as fundamental particle physics with cold and ultra-cold neutrons, neutron scattering, characterization of materials by radiation analyses and others. Below the accelerator vault, will take advantage of a 1‰ duty cycle pulsed D+ beam, thus offering a large range of options for experimental lines like half-life measurements of long-lived isotopes, production of radionuclides with D+ and even an n-TOF facility. The DONES User Community will work inter alia to identify and develop the most attractive lines of research activities outside of the materials irradiation programme to be performed at DONES, by preparing a comprehensive DONES Experimental Programme combining fusion and non-fusion experiments.
S S H D I G I T E N V H & F P S E
To date, the following cooperation has been established: European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS): A memorandum of Understanding with IFMIF-DONES España Consortium has been signed in August 2022 to create a framework for cooperation between the parties and scientific collaboration opportunities of mutual interest. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN): A framework collaboration agreement has also been signed in October 2023 to establish the framework for collaboration between the Signatories in various fields of basic research and accelerator technologies. In addition, several Memorandum of Understanding are currently being worked on with SPIRAL2, MYRRPHA and ELI. These collaborations are materializing, among others, in the preparation of several Research and Innovations Action proposals in the framework of Horinzon Europe.