ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) stands as a world-leading European research infrastructure, hosting an unparalleled collection of the most advanced and diverse high-power laser systems. Established in 2021, ELI ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) comprises the ELI Beamlines Facility in Dolní Břežany, Czechia, where the ELI ERIC Statutory Seat is hosted, and the ELI ALPS (Attosecond Light Pulse Source) Facility in Szeged, Hungary. Czechia and Hungary are joined by Italy and Lithuania as Founding Members, with Bulgaria and Germany participating as Founding Observers. The third, ELI NP (Nuclear Physics) Facility in Măgurele, Romania, is yet to be integrated under the single legal umbrella, with Romania, its Host Country, currently holding the status of Founding Observer. ELI marks a significant milestone as the first-ever large-scale research infrastructure implemented in Central and Eastern Europe, aiming to address historical disparities in the distribution of such facilities in Europe. By doing so, ELI contributes to bridging the research gap and closing the innovation divide. Unique to ELI is also its funding model, with all three ELI Facilities built using EU Cohesion Policy Funds of the Host Countries, relieving other participating countries from financial commitments during the construction phase. Additionally, ELI holds the distinction of being the world’s pioneering large-scale international laser research facility dedicated to serving users, empowering scientists to leverage ELI’s disruptive potential to address a broad range of R&I and societal challenges. In terms of scientific and technical capabilities, ELI’s laser systems can generate high-energy (J) and ultra-short light pulses reaching femtosecond (10^-15 s) durations and even pushing towards shorter, attosecond (10^-18 s) durations. ELI is the only facility in the world operating lasers at simultaneously high repetition rates (in the Hz range), achieving high average output power in the hundreds of watts (W) and very high peak power, up to a maximum output of 10 petawatts (PW). Serving as primary sources, the ELI lasers are complemented by an extensive array of secondary sources, collectively powering experimental stations and end-stations to conduct research experiments across various scientific fields. These fields include physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, and biology and medical science, as well as multi-disciplinary studies. ELI’s capabilities are based on a number of groundbreaking technologies. These include Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA), invented by Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland, for which they were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics. CPA, coupled with new pumping techniques and systems to achieve high average power, empowers lasers to drive secondary sources of particle beams with unparalleled combinations of flux and ultra-short pulse length. Furthermore, ELI has developed the shortest light pulses ever produced, reaching into the attosecond domain. In acknowledgment of their achievement, Pierre Agostini, Anne L’Huillier and Ferenc Krausz earned the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics. ELI is pushing the boundaries of this technology, providing new insights into the dynamics of electrons in matter, revealing basic steps in chemical and biochemical reactions, and enhancing the understanding of quantum electronic materials, with profound implications for cutting-edge digital technologies.